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Recent Advances in Photonic Quantum Science and Technology

  • 09. Oktober 2019  |  10:00 Uhr
  • Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
    Alfons-Goppel-Straße 11
    80539 München
    Sitzungssäle, 1. Stock
  • Since quantum mechanics was proposed many landmark experiments have been performed to confirm that its peculiar predictions such as coherence and entanglement really exist. Thereby, a wealth of different physical systems has been investigated. The field quantum technologies aims at exploiting these peculiar properties for novel applications, such as quantum communication, quantum computation, quantum simulation and quantum sensing. In this workshop, experts in the field of quantum science and technology present recent breakthroughs.
  • Wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung
  • Kai Müller (Technical University of Munich), Friedemann Reinhard (Technical University of Munich), Alexander Holleiter (Technical University of Munich), Christian Schneider (University of Würzburg), Hubert Krenner (University of Augsburg), Jonathan Finley (Technical University of Munich), Klaus Jöns (KTH Stockholm), Tim Schröder (HU Berlin), Joseph Munns (HU Berlin)
  • Deadline for registration: 1. October 2019
  • kai.mueller@wsi.tum.de
  • Organization: Kai Müller (Young Academy of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities)