Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Gückelhorn, Janine; de-la-Peña, Sebastián; Grammer, Matthias; Scheufele, Monika; Opel, Matthias; Geprägs, Stephan; Cuevas, Juan Carlos; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans; Kamra, Akashdeep; Althammer, Matthias
Observation of nonreciprocal magnon Hanle effect
Physical Review Letters (130)
G. Angloher et al. (CRESST Collaboration)
Observation of a low energy nuclear recoil peak in the neutron calibration data of the CRESST-III experiment
Physical Review D (108)
Scheufele, Monika; Gückelhorn, Janine; Opel, Matthias; Kamra, Akashdeep; Huebl, Hans; Gross, Rudolf; Geprägs, Stephan; Althammer, Matthias
Impact of magnetic anisotropy on the magnon Hanle effect in α-Fe2O3
APL Materials (11)
Lüthi, Carolina; Flacke, Luis; Aqeel, Aisha; Kamra, Akashdeep; Gross, Rudolf; Back, Christian; Weiler, Mathias
Hybrid magnetization dynamics in Cu2OSeO3/NiFe heterostructures
Applied Physics Letters (122)
Jurkutat, Michael; Kattinger, Carsten; Tsankov, Stefan; Reznicek, Richard; Erb, Andreas; Haase, Jürgen
How pressure enhances the critical temperature of superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+y
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (120)
Hofer, Joachim; Gross, Rudolf; Higgins, Gerard; Huebl, Hans; Kieler, Oliver F.; Kleiner, Reinhold; Koelle, Dieter; Schmidt, Philip; Slater, Joshua A.; Trupke, Michael; Uhl, Kevin; Weimann, Thomas; Wieczorek, Witlef; Aspelmeyer, Markus
High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures
Physical Review Letters (131)
Zhang, Jiang; Kyaw, Thi Ha; Filipp, Stefan; Kwek, Leong-Chuan; Sjöqvist, Erik; Tong, Dianmin
Geometric and holonomic quantum computation
Physics Reports (1027)
Gross, Rudolf; Marx, Achim; Einzel, Dietrich; Geprägs, Stephan
Festkörperphysik. Aufgaben und Lösungen
(3rd revised and extended edition)
Sahu, Rishabh; Qiu, Liu; Hease, William; Arnold, Georg; Minoguchi, Yuri; Rabl, Peter; Fink, Johannes M.
Entangling microwaves with light
Science (380)
Rongione, E.; Gueckstock, O.; Mattern, M.; Gomonay, O.; Meer, H.; Schmitt, C.; Ramos, R.; Kikkawa, T.; Mičica, M.; Saitoh, E.; Sinova, J.;Jaffrès, H.; Mangeney, J.; Goennenwein, S. T. B.; Geprägs, S.; Kampfrath, T.; Kläui, M.; Bargheer, M.; Seifert, T. S.; Dhillon, S.; Lebrun, R.
Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin–phonon interactions
Nature Communications (14)
Siegl, Luise; Lammel, Michaela; Kamra, Akashdeep; Huebl, Hans; Belzig, Wolfgang; Goennenwein, Sebastian T. B.
Electrical detectability of magnon-mediated spin current shot noise
Physical Review B (108)
Glaser, Niklas J.; Roy, Federico; Filipp, Stefan
Controlled-controlled-phase gates for superconducting qubits mediated by a shared tunable coupler
Physical Review Applied (19)
Oberbauer, Sebastian; Erkenov, Shamil; Biberacher, Werner; Kushch, Natalia D.; Gross, Rudolf; Kartsovnik, Mark V.
Coherent heavy charge carriers in an organic conductor near the bandwidth-controlled Mott transition
Physical Review B (107)
De Bernardis, Daniele; Piccioli, Francesco; Rabl, Peter; Carusotto, Iacopo
Chiral quantum optics in the bulk of photonic quantum Hall systems
Physical Review X Quantum (4)
Sáez-Blázquez, Rocío; de Bernardis, Daniele; Feist, Johannes; Rabl, Peter
Can We Observe Nonperturbative Vacuum Shifts in Cavity QED?
Physical Review Letters (131)
Agusti, J.; Zhang, X. H. H.; Minoguchi, Y.; Rabl, P.
Autonomous Distribution of Programmable Multiqubit Entanglement in a Dual-Rail Quantum Network
Physical Review Letters (131)
Erkens, Franz-Reiner
Hals zwischen Passau und dem Reich
Quellen und Studien zu einer Grafschaft an der Ilz
Materialien zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte (Band 28)
Stifter, Adalbert; Hackl, Wolfgang [Herausgeber]; John, Johannes [Herausgeber]; Doppler, Alfred; Wiesmüller, Wolfgang [Herausgeber]; Frühwald, Wolfgang
Werke und Briefe
Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe. Briefe von Adalbert Stifter
Adalbert Stifter Werke und Briefe (11,5)
Foglieni M., Pantiri M., Di Dio E., Castorina E.
Large Scale Limit of the Observed Galaxy Power Spectrum
Physical Review Letters (11)
Metcalf M., Reid J., Cohen M., Bader R.
Modern Fortran Explained: Incorporating Fortran 2023
Mizani M., Schmidt M., Weber D., Metzger S., Reiser H.
Transition zur neuen ISO/IEC 27001 – Erfahrungen zum neuen Anhang A
Pribec I., Hachinger S., Hayek M., Pringle Gavin J., Brüchle H., Jamitzky F., Mathias G.
Efficient and Reliable Data Management for Biomedical Applications