Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Kolb, D.; Kurtz, W.; Weismüller, J.; von Ramm, A.; Ludwig, R.; Kranzlmüller, D.
Visualization of climate simulation data in virtual reality using commercial game engines
Environmental Informatics: Techniques and Trends.
Zygar, Caroline; Albert-von der Gönna, Johannes
Big Data und Machine Learning in der Psychologie
Akademie Aktuell (64)
Pargent, Florian; Albert-von der Gönna, Johannes
Predictive Modeling With Psychological Panel Data
Zeitschrift für Psychologie (226)
Mendez, Sandra; Hammer, Nicolay J.; Karmakar, Anupam
Analyzing the I/O Scalability of a Parallel Particle-in-Cell Code
High Performance Computing
Kunkel, Julian Martin; Betke, Eugen; Bryson, Matt; Carns, Philip; Francis, Rosemary; Frings, Wolfgang; Laifer, Roland; Mendez, Sandra
Tools for Analyzing Parallel I/O
High Performance Computing
T. Weber; D. Kranzlmüller
How FAIR Can you Get? Image Retrieval as a Use Case to Calculate FAIR Metrics
2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)
Lê, Minh; Weidendorfer, Josef
A Message-Passing based Algorithm for k-Terminal Reliability
14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2018)
Bugli, M.; Iapichino, L.; Baruffa, F.
ECHO-3DHPC: Advance the performance of astrophysics simulations
The Parallel Universe Magazine (34)
Federrath, C.; Klessen, R. S.; Iapichino, L.
The sonic scale revealed by the world's largest turbulence simulation
High performance computing in science and engineering
Shrestha, P.; Kurtz, W.; Vogel, G.; Schulz, J.-P.; Sulis, M.; Hendricks Franssen, H.-J.; Kollet, S.; Simmer, C.
Connection Between Root Zone Soil Moisture and Surface Energy Flux Partitioning Using Modeling, Observations, and Data Assimilation for a Temperate Grassland Site in Germany
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (123)
Tang, Q.; Schilling, O. S.; Kurtz, W.; Brunner, P.; Vereecken, H.; Hendricks Franssen, H.-J.
Simulating Flood-Induced Riverbed Transience Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Physically Based Hydrological Modeling, and the Ensemble Kalman Filter
Water Resources Research (54)
Stefan Kollet; Fabian Gasper; Slavko Brdar; Klaus Goergen; Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen; Jessica Keune; Wolfgang Kurtz; Volker Küll; Florian Pappenberger; Stefan Poll; Silke Trömel; Prabhakar Shrestha; Clemens Simmer; Mauro Sulis
Introduction of an Experimental Terrestrial Forecasting/Monitoring System at Regional to Continental Scales Based on the Terrestrial Systems Modeling Platform (v1.1.0)
Water (10)
Broich, K.; Kaiser, M.; Lin, Q.; Mitterer, J.; Nguyen, H.; Pflugbeil, T.; von Trentini, F.; Willkofer, F.; Disse, M.; Ludwig, R.
Das Projekt HiOS - Erstellung einer Hinweiskarte für Oberflächenabfluss und Sturzfluten für bayerische Gemeinden
Starkregen und Sturzfluten - Erfassen, Erforschen, Evaluieren (Beiträge zum Seminar am 6. Juni 2018 an der Technischen Universität München) (40.18)
Heller, Helmut; Teschemacher, Sonja
Internet of Things: Moderne Technik für die Umweltdatenerfassung
Tagungsband des 25. Workshops "Umweltinformationssysteme 2018 - Umweltdaten - in allen Dimensionen und zu jeder Zeit? (UIS 2018)" des Arbeitskreises "Umweltinformationssysteme" der Fachgruppe "Informatik im Umweltschutz" der Gesellschaft für Informatik
Hendricks Franssen, H.-J.; Kurtz, Wolfgang; Pondkule, Mukund; Zhang, Hongjuan; Naz, Bibi; Vereecken, Harry; Goergen, Klaus; Kollet, Stefan
Data Assimilation with the Integrated Terrestrial Systems Modelling Platform TerrSysMP-PDAF
InSiDE (16)
Hachinger, S.; Meyer-Arnek, J.; Harsch, C.; Bittner, M.; Frank, A. C.; Heller, H.; Vogel, N.; Giemsa, E.
The Alpine Envirnomental Data Analysis Centre ( Cloud-Computing on Demand, RDM and more
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Giemsa, E.; Jacobeit, J.; Ries, L.; Hachinger, S.
Analysis of transport and source contributions to alpine CO2 concentrations based on back trajectories
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Benítez-Hidalgo, A.; Nebro, A.J.; Durillo, J.J.; García-Nieto, J.; López-Camacho, E.; Barba-González, C.; Aldana-Montes, J.F.
About designing an observer pattern-based architecture for a multi-objective metaheuristic optimization framework
Studies in Computational Intelligence (798)
Nebro, A.J.; Durillo, J.J.; García-Nieto, J.; Barba-González, C.; Del Ser, J.; Coello Coello, C.A.; Benítez-Hidalgo, A.; Aldana-Montes, J.F.
Extending the speed-constrained multi-objective PSO (SMPSO) with reference point based preference articulation
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (11101 LNCS)
Seibold, H.; Bernau, C.; Boulesteix, A.-L.; De Bin, R.
On the choice and influence of the number of boosting steps for high-dimensional linear Cox-models
Computational Statistics (33)
Ziegler, J. A.; Schmitz, D.
Establishing A universal service model for authentication scenarios based on MNM service model
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik (GI) (283)
Bastian P., Kranzlmüller D., Brüchle H., Brehm M.
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering– Garching/Munich 2018
Weismüller, J.; Hachinger, S.; Nguyen, H.; Weber, T.
Addressing knowledge and know-how biases in the environmental sciences with modern data and compute services
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Strauss, Richard; Pernpeintner, Andreas [Herausgeber]; Schick, Hartmut [Herausgeber]; Greif, Martin; Uhland, Ludwig; Bürger, Gottfried August; Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb; Morgenstern, Christian; Liliencron, Detlev von; Dehmel, Richard; Mackay, John Henry; Bierbaum, Otto Julius; Lindner, Anton; Bodman, Emanuel von; Falke, Gustav; Rückert, Friedrich; Henckell, Karl; Busse, Carl
Kritische Ausgabe. Lieder und Gesänge für eine Singstimme
Richard-Strauss-Ausgabe (2,3)