Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Hommel, W.; Reiser, H.; Von Eye, F.
Herausforderungen und Anforderungen für ein organisationsweites Notfall–Passwortmanagement
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI): Proceedings (231)
Jamitzky, F.; Satzger, H.
2nd Extreme Scaling Workshop on SuperMUC
Inside, Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland (Vol. 12, No. 2)
Leong, S. H.; Kranzlmüller, D.; Frank, A.
A data management system to enable urgent natural disaster computing
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (volume 16)
Lummel, N.; Schulte-Altedorneburg, G.; Bernau, C.; Pfefferkorn, T.; Patzig, M.; Janssen, H.; Opherk, C.; Brückmann, H.; Linn, J.
Hyperdense intracerebral lesions after mechanical recanalization in acute stroke
American Journal of Neuroradiology (Vol. 35)
Magdics, M.; García, R.; Wattanasoontorn, V.; Sbert, M.
Test installation of a marker-based framework for structural health monitoring of bridges
Applied Mechanics and Materials (477-478 (Applied Mechanics and Materials II))
Matthies, D. J. C.; Müller, F.; Anthes, C.; Kranzlmüller, D.
ShoeSoleSense: Demonstrating A Wearable Foot Interface For Locomotion In Virtual Environments
Matthies, D. J. C.; Manke, F. M.; Müller, F.; Charalampia, M.; Anthes, C.; Kranzlmüller, D.
VR-Stepper: A Do-It-Yourself Game Interface For Locomotion In Virtual Environments
The Computing Research Repository (CoRR) CoRR
Misof, B.; Liu, S.; Meusemann, K.; . Peters, R.S; Donath, A.; Mayer, C.; Frandsen, P.B.; Ware, J.; Flouri, T.; Beutel, R.G.; Niehuis, O.; Petersen, M.; Izquierdo-Carrasco, F.; Wappler, T.; Rust, J.; Aberer, A.J.; Aspöck, U.; Aspöck, H.; Bartel, D.; Blanke, A.; Berger, S.; Böhm, A.; Buckley, T.R.; Calcott, B.; Chen, J.; Friedrich, F.; Fukui, M.; Fujita, M.; Greve, C.; Grobe, P.; Gu, S.; Huang, Y.; Jermiin, L.S.; Kawahara, A.Y.; Krogmann, L.; Kubiak, M.; Lanfear, R.; Letsch, H.; Li, Y.; Li, Z.; Li, J.; Lu, H.; Machida, R.; Mashimo, Y.; Kapli, P.; Mckenna, D.D.; Meng, G.; Nakagaki, Y.; Navarrete-Heredia, J.L.; Ott, M.; Ou, Y.; Pass, G.; Podsiadlowski, L.; Pohl, H.; Von Reumont, B.M.; Schütte, K.; Sekiya, K.; Shimizu, S.; Slipinski, A.; Stamatakis, A.; Song, W.; Su, X.; Szucsich, N.U.; Tan, M.; Tan, X.; Tang, M.; Tang, J.; Timelthaler, G.; Tomizuka, S.; Trautwein, M.; Tong, X.; Uchifune, T.; Walzl, M.G.; Wiegmann, B.M.; Wilbrandt, J.; Wipfler, B.; Wong, T.K.F.; Wu, Q.; Wu, G.; Xie, Y.; Yang, S.; Yang, Q.; Yeates, D.K.; Yoshizawa, K.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, R.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, J.; Zhou, C.; Zhou, L.; Ziesmann, T.; Zou, S.; Li, Y.; Xu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, H.; Wang, J.; Wang, J.; Kjer, K.M.; Zhou, X.
Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution
Science (346(6210))
Navarrete, C.; Guillen, C.; Hesse, W.; Brehm, M.
Autotuning the energy consumption
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Advances in Parallel Computing (25)
Pöhn, D.; Metzger, S.; Hommel, W.; Géant–Trustbroker,
Dynamic, Scalable Management of SAML–Based Inter–federation Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (428)
Pöhn, D.; Metzger, S.; Hommel, W.; Géant-Trustbroker,
Simplifying Identity & Access Management for International Research Projects and Higher Education Communities
Pöhn, D.; Metzger, S.; Hommel, W.
A SAML Metadata Broker for Dynamic Federations and Inter-Federations
Pöhn, D.; Metzger, S.; Hommel, W.
Project GÉANT-TrustBroker – Dynamic Identity Management across Federation Borders
Raab, N.; Büscher, M.; Cerchez, R.; Engels, P.; Gibbon, P.; Greven, A.; Holler, A.; Karmakar, A.; Et, al.
Polarization measurement of laser-accelerated protons
Physics of Plasmas (Vol 21, Issue 2)
Satzger, H.
SuperMUC Status and Results Workshop and Proceedings
Inside, Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland (Vol. 12, No. 2)
Sauvaget, C.; Magdics, M.; García, R. J.; Sbert, M.
Post-processing expressive rendering effects for visual deficiency
Schmidt, W.; Schulz, J.; Iapichino, L.; Vazza, F.; Almgren, A. S.
Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor-merger scenario
Schöne, R.; Treibig, J.; Dolz, M.; Guillen, C.; Navarrete, C.; Knobloch, M.; Rountree, B.
Tools and methods for measuring and tuning the energy efficiency of HPC systems
Scientific Programming (Volume 22, Issue 4)
Shoukourian, H.; Wilde, T.; Auweter, A.; Bode, A.
Predicting the Energy and Power Consumption of Strong and Weak Scaling HPC Applications
Journal of Supercomputing Frontiers And Innovations
Tukora, B.; Anthes, C.; Heinzlreiter, P.; Kranzlmüller, D.
Large-scale Dynamic Visualization of Multiple Comparative Genomic Data. Poster
Von Eye, F.; Hommel, W.; Schmitz, D.
A Secure Logging Framework with Focus on Compliance
International Journal on Advances in Security (Band 7)
Wattanasoontorn, V.; Sbert, M.; Kittipong, S.; García, R.
Optimal textures for 3D real time architectural visualization
Waldron, L.; Haibe-Kains, B.; Culhane, A.; Riester, M.; Ding, J.; Wang, V.; Tyekucheva, S.; Bernau, C.; Risch, T.; Ganzfried, B.; Huttenhower, C.; Birrer, M.; Parmigiani, G.
A comparative meta-analysis of prognostic gene signatures for late-stage ovarian cancer
Journal of the National Cancer Institute (Vol. 106, No. 5)
Wattanasoontorn, V.; García Hernández, R.; Sbert, M.
Serious Games for e-Health Care
Gaming Media and Social Effects
Weinberg, V.; Karmakar, A.
Towards Simulating Plasma Turbulences in Future Large-Scale Tokamaks
Inside, Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland (Vol. 12, No. 1)