Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Brenner M., gentschen Felde N., Hommel W., Metzger S., Reiser H., Schaaf T.
Praxisbuch ISO/IEC 27001: Management der Informationssicherheit und Vorbereitung auf die Zertifizierung
Maurer N., Graupl T., Schmitt C., Rodosek G., Reiser H.
Advancing the security of ldacs
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Netti A., Ott M., Guillen C., Tafani D., Schulz M.
Operational Data Analytics in practice: Experiences from design to deployment in production HPC environments
Parallel Computing
Teffs J., Mazzali P., Medler K., Hachinger S.
A massive, energetic model for the luminous transitional Type Ib/IIb SN 2020cpg
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (4)
Shahbandeh M., Hsiao E. Y., Ashall C., Teffs J., Hoeflich P., Morrell N., Phillips M. M., Anderson J. P., Baron E., Burns C. R., Contreras C., Davis S., Diamond T. R., Folatelli G., Galbany L., Gall C., Hachinger S., Holmbo S., Karamehmetoglu E., Kasliwal M. M., Kirshner R. P., Krisciunas K., Kumar S., Lu J., Marion G. H., Mazzali P. A., Piro A. L., Sand D. J., Stritzinger M. D., Suntzeff N. B., Taddia F., Uddin S. A.
Carnegie supernova project-ii: near-infrared spectroscopy of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae*
The Astrophysical Journal (2)
Aouad C., Mazzali P., Hachinger S., Teffs J., Pian E., Ashall C., Benetti S., Filippenko A., Tanaka M.
Abundance stratification in Type Ia supernovae – VI. The peculiar slow decliner SN 1999aa
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (3)
Bayer C., Frech A., Gabriel V., Kümmet S., Lücke S., Munke J., Putnings M., Rohrwild J., Schulz J., Spenger M., Weber T.
Datacite best practice guide
Deng X., Khaymovich I., Burin Alexander L.
Superdiffusion in random two dimensional system with ubiquitous long-range hopping
Korbmacher H., Sierant P., Li W., Deng X., Zakrzewski J., Santos L.
Lattice control of non-ergodicity in a polar lattice gas
Physical Review A
Corbalan J., Alonso L., Navarrete C., Guillen C.
Soft Cluster powercap at SuperMUC-NG with EAR
Pauw V., Hayek M., Shojaei E., Hachinger S., Müller U., Bader T.
Cloud-based Processing of data from Non-Target-Analysis for Tracking Micropollutants in Surface Water
Lazarević, N.; Baum, A.; Milosavljević, A.; Peis, L.;Stumberger, R.; Bekaert, J.;Šolajić, A.; Pešić, J.; Wang, Aifeng; Šćepanović, M.; Milinda Abeykoon, A.M.; Milošević, M.V.; Petrovic, C.; Popović, Z.V.; Hackl, R.
Evolution of lattice, spin, and charge properties across the phase diagram of FeSe(1−x)S(x)
Physical Review B (106)
Wang, Aifeng; Milosavljevic, Ana; Milinda Abeykoon, A.M.; Ivanovski, Valentin; Du, Qianheng; Baum, Andreas; Stavitski, Eli; Liu, Yu; Lazarevic, Nenad; Attenkofer, Klaus; Hackl, Rudi; Popovic, Zoran; Petrovic, Cedomir
Suppression of Superconductivity and Nematic Order in Fe1-ySe1-xSx (0 ≤ x ≤ 1, y ≤ 0.1) Crystals by the Anion Height Disorder
Inorganic Chemistry (61)
Terrasanta, Giulio; Sommer, Timo; Müller, Manuel; Althammer, Matthias; Gross, Rudolf; Poot, Menno
Aluminum nitride integration on silicon nitride photonic circuits: a new hybrid approach towards on-chip nonlinear optics
Optics Express (30)
Pechal, Marek; Roy, Federico; Wilkinson, Samuel A.; Salis, Gian; Werninghaus, Max; Hartmann, Michael J.; Filipp, Stefan
Direct implementation of a perceptron in superconducting circuit quantum hardware
Physical Review Research (4)
Nägele, Maximilian; Schweizer, Christian; Roy, Federico; Filipp, Stefan
Effective nonlocal parity-dependent couplings in qubit chains
Physical Review Research (4)
Renger, M.; Pogorzalek, S.; Fesquet, F.; Honasoge, K.; Kronowetter, F.; Chen, Q.; Nojiri, Y.; Inomata, K.; Nakamura, Y.; Marx, A.; Deppe, F.; Gross, R.; Fedorov, K.G.
Flow of quantum correlations in noisy two-mode squeezed microwave states
Physical Review A (106)
Huebl, Hans; Schmidt, Georg; Klein, Olivier; Pigeau, Benjamin
Advances in Magnetics "Roadmap on Spin Wave Computing”
Toward Quantum Magnonics
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (58)
Cao, Wei; Yin, Shanshan; Bitsch, Martin; Liang, Suzhe; Plank, Martina; Opel, Matthias; Scheel, Manuel A.; Gallei, Markus; Janka, Oliver; Schwartzkopf, Matthias; Roth, Stephan V.; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter
In Situ Study of FePt Nanoparticles-Induced Morphology Development during Printing of Magnetic Hybrid Diblock Copolymer Films
Advanced Functional Materials (32)
Gückelhorn, Janine; Kamra, Akashdeep; Wimmer, Tobias; Opel, Matthias; Geprägs, Stephan; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans; Althammer, Matthias
Influence of low-energy magnons on magnon Hanle experiments in easy-plane antiferromagnets
Physical Review B (105)
Sri Gyan, Deepankar; Mannix, Danny; Carbone, Dina; Sumpter, James L.; Geprägs, Stephan; Dietlein, Maxim; Gross, Rudolf; Jurgilaitis, Andrius; Pham, Van-Thai; Coudert-Alteirac, Helene; Larsson, Jörgen; Haskel, Daniel; Strempfer, Jörg; Evans, Paul G.
Low-temperature nanoscale heat transport in a gadolinium iron garnet heterostructure probed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction
Structural Dynamics (9)
Müller, Manuel; Luschmann, Thomas; Faltermeier, Andreas; Weichselbaumer, Stefan; Koch, Leon; Huber, Gerhard B. P.; Schumacher, Hans Werner; Ubbelohde, Niels; Reifert, David; Scheller, Thomas; Deppe, Frank; Marx, Achim; Filipp, Stefan; Althammer, Matthias; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans
Magnetic field robust high quality factor NbTiN superconducting microwave resonators
Materials for Quantum Technology (2)
Seemann, K. M.; Gomonay, O.; Mokrousov, Y.; Hörner, A.; Valencia, S.; Klamser, P.; Kronast, F.; Erb, A.; Hindmarch, A. T.; Wixforth, A.; Marrows, C. H.; Fischer, P.
Magnetoelastic resonance as a probe for exchange springs at antiferromagnet-ferromagnet interfaces
Physical Review B (105)