Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Weinberg, V.; Allalen, M.; Brietzke, G.
Towards Porting a Real-World Seismological Application to the Intel MIC Architecture, PRACE Whitepaper
Zhang, Y.; Bernau, C.; Waldron, L.
simulatorZ: Simulator for Collections of Genomic Data Sets. R-Paket Version 1.0.0
Brenner, M.; Gillmeister, M.
CMDB Patterns
Brietzke, G.
Performance measurements of HPC-applications at LRZ
Cai, Y.; Goei, S. .
Simulations, Serious Games and Their Applications
Gaming Media and Social Effects. Singapore
Frank, A.; Jamitzky, F.; Satzger, H.; Kranzlmüller, D.
In Need of Partnerships – An Essay about the Collaboration between Computational Sciences and IT Services
Govoni, F.; Murgia, M.; Xu, H.; Li, H.; Norman, M.; Feretti, l.; Giovannini, G.; Vacca, V.; Bernardi, G.; Bonafede, A.; Brunetti, G.; Carretti, E.; Colafrancesco, S.; Donnert, J.; Ferrari, C.; Gitti, M.; Iapichino, L.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Pizzo, R.; Rudnick, L.
Cluster magnetic fields through the study of polarized radio halos in the SKA era
Spinuso, A.; Krause, A.; Ramos Garcia, C.; Casarotti, E.; Magnoni, F.; Matser, J.; Krischer, L.; Leong, S.H.; Muraleedharan, V.
The VERCE Science Gateway: Interactive Forward Modeling and Metadata Management
Tarje Nissen-Meyer, T.; Thiyagalingam, J.; Van Driel, M.; Staehler, S.; Brietzke, G.
HPC-scaling and energy consumption of the global seismic wave-propagation code AxiSEM
Anthes, C.; Brandstätter, M.; Guminski, K.
Senseparation – Begegnung zwischen Menschen im virtuellen und realen Raum
Akademie Aktuell (Vol. 51, No.4)
Anthes, C.; Kranzlmüller, D.
Energy Visualization in a Data Center
Journal of Science and Technology (Vol. 52 N. 4A)
Aurand B, ; Kuschel, S.; Jäckel, O.; Rödell, C.; Zhao, HY.; Herzer, S.; Paz, AE.; Bierbach, J.; Polz, J.; Elkin, B.; Karmakar, A.; Et, al.
Enhanced radiation pressure-assisted acceleration by temporally tuned counter-propagating pulses
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (NIMA) (Vol 740)
Auweter, A.; Bode, A.; Brehm, M.; Brochard, L.; Hammer, N.; Huber, H.; Panda, R.; Thomas, F.; Wilde, T.
A Case Study of Energy Aware Scheduling on SuperMUC
Supercomputing (June)
Bernau, C.; Boulesteix, A.-L.; Parmigiani, G.; Huttenhower, C.; Waldron, L.; Trippa, L.
Cross-study validation for assessment of prediction models and algorithms
Bioinformatics (Vol. 30, No. 12)
Bernau, C.; Jamitzky, F.; Satzger, H.
A Flexible, Fault-tolerant Approach for Managing Large Numbers of Independent Tasks on SuperMUC
Inside, Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland (Vol. 12, No. 1)
García, R.; Barbancho, I.; Tardón, L.; Arrambarri, J.; Magdics, M.; Sbert, M.; E-Cecilia,
implementation of a music game
García, R.; Gumbau, J.; Szirmay-Kalos, L.; Sbert, M.
Updated Game Tools: Libraries for Easier Advanced Graphics
Gaming Media and Social Effects
García Hernández, R. J.; Ureña, C.; Poch, J.; Sbert, M.
Overestimation and underestimation biases in photon mapping with non-constant kernels
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (20(10))
Goldschwendt, T.; Anthes, C.; Schubert, G.; Kranzlmüller, D.; Petzold, F.
The Collaborative Design Platform Protocol – A Protocol for a Mixed Reality Installation for Improved Incorporation of Laypeople in Architecture. Demo
Goldschwendt, T.; Anthes, C.; Schubert, G.; Kranzlmüller, D.; Petzold, F.
The Collaborative Design Platform Protocol – A Protocol for a Mixed Reality Installation for Improved Incorporation of Laypeople in Architecture. Poster
Hommel, W.; Metzger, St.; Reiser, H.; Von Eye, F.
Security Knowledge Management auf Basis einer Dokumentenvorlage für Sicherheitskonzepte
Hommel, W.; Metzger, S.; Von Eye, F.; Pöhn, D.
Improving higher education network security by automating scan result evaluation with Dr. Portscan