Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Bernhard, Michael; Witkowska-Zaremba, Elżbieta
Traditio Iohannis Hollandrini III.
Die Traktate IV - VIII
Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission (21)
B. Moritz, S. Johnston, T. P. Devereaux, B. Muschler, W. Prestel, R. Hackl, M. Lambacher, A. Erb, Seiki Komiya, Yoichi Ando
Investigation of particle-hole asymmetry in the cuprates via electronic Raman scattering
Physical Review B (84)
Robert Werner, Mathias Weiler, Aleksandr Yu. Petrov, Bruce A. Davidson, Rudolf Gross, Reinhold Kleiner, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Dieter Koelle
Local tunneling magnetoresistance probed by low-temperature scanning laser microscopy
Applied Physics Letters (99)
N. Munnikes, B. Muschler, F. Venturini, L. Tassini, W. Prestel, Shimpei Ono, Yoichi Ando, D. C. Peets, W. N. Hardy, Ruixing Liang, D. A. Bonn, A. Damascelli, H. Eisaki, M. Greven, A. Erb, R. Hackl
Pair breaking versus symmetry breaking: Origin of the Raman modes in superconducting cuprates
Physical Review B (84)
D. Rueffer, F. D. Czeschka, R. Gross, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Experimental observation of an enhanced anisotropic magnetoresistance in non-local configuration
Applied Physics Letters (99)
M. Reibelt, S. Weyeneth, A. Erb, A. Schilling
Observation of a first-order phase transition deep within the vortex-solid region of YBa2Cu3O7
Superconductor Science & Technology (24)
J. S. White, R. W. Heslop, A. T. Holmes, E. M. Forgan, V. Hinkov, N. Egetenmeyer, J. L. Gavilano, M. Laver, C. D. Dewhurst, R. Cubitt, A. Erb
Magnetic-field-induced nonlocal effects on the vortex interactions in twin-free YBa2Cu3O7
Physical Review B (84)
B. Muschler, I. Tuetto, A. Zawadowski, J. Balogh, R. Hackl
Light scattering study of low-energy vibrational excitations in the metallic glass Ni67Zr33 using electronic Raman scattering
Physical Review B (84)
D. Andres, M. V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, K. Neumaier, I. Sheikin, H. Mueller, N. D. Kushch
Field-induced charge-density-wave transitions in the organic metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4) under pressure
Low Temperature Physics (37)
A. Brandlmaier, S. Gepraegs, G. Woltersdorf, R. Gross, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Nonvolatile, reversible electric-field controlled switching of remanent magnetization in multifunctional ferromagnetic/ferroelectric hybrids
Journal of Applied Physics (110)
S. Caprara, C. Di castro, B. Muschler, W. Prestel, R. Hackl, M. Lambacher, A. Erb, S. Komiya, Y. Ando, M. Grilli
Extracting the dynamical effective interaction and competing order from an analysis of Raman spectra of the high-temperature La2-xSrxCuO4 superconductor
Physical Review B (84)
F. D. Czeschka, L. Dreher, M. S. Brandt, M. Weiler, M. Althammer, I. -M. Imort, G. Reiss, A. Thomas, W. Schoch, W. Limmer, H. Huebl, R. Gross, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Scaling Behavior of the Spin Pumping Effect in Ferromagnet-Platinum Bilayers
Physical Review Letters (107)
S. Bosma, S. Weyeneth, R. Puzniak, A. Erb, A. Schilling, H. Keller
Magnetic torque study of the temperature-dependent anisotropy parameter in overdoped superconducting single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7
Physical Review B (84)
F. Klotz, H. Huebl, D. Heiss, K. Klein, J. J. Finley, M. S. Brandt
Coplanar stripline antenna design for optically detected magnetic resonance on semiconductor quantum dots
Review of Scientific Instruments (82)
Einzel, Dietrich
50 Years of Fluxoid Quantization: 2e or Not 2e (vol 163, pg 215, 2011)
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (164)
Jinming Lu, Felix Hoehne, Andre R. Stegner, Lukas Dreher, Martin Stutzmann, Martin S. Brandt, Hans Huebl
High-resolution electrical detection of free induction decay and Hahn echoes in phosphorus-doped silicon
Physical Review B (83)
Einzel, Dietrich
50 Years of Fluxoid Quantization: 2e or Not 2e
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (163)
Kathrin Gruber, Carsten Rohr, Lukas J. Scherer, Michael S. Malarek, Edwin C. Constable, Bianca A. Hermann
A Versatile Frechet-Dendron Compound Unifies Host-Guest and Templated Heterogeneous Self-Assembly
Advanced Materials (23)
Felix Hoehne, Lukas Dreher, Hans Huebl, Martin Stutzmann, Martin S. Brandt
Electrical Detection of Coherent Nuclear Spin Oscillations in Phosphorus-Doped Silicon using Pulsed ENDOR
Physical Review Letters (106)
Kathrin Gruber, Tim Horlacher, Riccardo Castelli, Andreas Mader, Peter H. Seeberger, Bianca A. Hermann
Cantilever Array Sensors Detect Specific Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions with Picomolar Sensitivity
Acs Nano (5)
O. M. Vyaselev, M. V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, L. V. Zorina, N. D. Kushch, E. B. Yagubskii
Magnetic transformations in the organic conductor kappa-(BETS)(2)Mn[N(CN)(2)](3) at the metal-insulator transition
Physical Review B (83)
M. Weiler, L. Dreher, C. Heeg, H. Huebl, R. Gross, M. S. Brandt, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Elastically Driven Ferromagnetic Resonance in Nickel Thin Films
Physical Review Letters (106)
Anton Lerf, Friedrich E. Wagner, Juan Poyato, Jose Luis perez-rodriguez
Intercalation and dynamics of hydrated Fe2+ in the vermiculites from Santa Olalla and Ojen
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (15)
Matthias Opel, Stephan Gepraegs, Edwin P. Menzel, Andrea Nielsen, Daniel Reisinger, Karl-Wilhelm Nielsen, Andreas Brandlmaier, Franz D. Czeschka, Matthias Althammer, Mathias Weiler, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Juergen Simon, Matthias Svete, Wentao Yu, Sven-Martin Huehne, Werner Mader, Rudolf Gross
Novel multifunctional materials based on oxide thin films and artificial heteroepitaxial multilayers
Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science (208)