Publikationen der Akademie und ihrer Forschungsvorhaben und Einrichtungen
Bosl, Karl; Ay, Karl-Ludwig; Blickle, Peter; bearbeitet von Störmer, Wilhelm
Franken von der Völkerwanderungszeit bis 1268
Dokumente zur Geschichte von Staat und Gesellschaft in Bayern (2,1)
Der Umbruch von 1799
zum Regierungsantritt der wittelsbachischen Linie Pfalz-Zweibrücken in Bayern
Hefte zur bayerischen Landesgeschichte (1])
K. Cornell, H. Wipf, JC. Cook, GJ. Kearley, K. Neumaier
Local and long-range hydrogen diffusion in Nb(OH)(0.011)
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (293)
H. Weiss, MV. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, E. Balthes, AGM. Jansen, ND. Kushch
Angle-dependent magnetoquantum oscillations in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Br
Physical Review B (60)
VG. Peschansky, MV. Kartsovnik
Galvanomagnetic phenomena in layered organic conductors
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (117)
M. Opel, M. Gotzinger, C. Hoffmann, R. Nemetschek, R. Philipp, F. Venturini, R. Hackl, A. Erb, E. Walker
Pseudogap and superconducting gap in YBa2Cu3O6+x: A Raman study
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (117)
VG. Peschansky, MV. Kartsovnik
"Comment on ""Contribution of small closed orbits to magnetoresistance in quasi-two-dimensional conductors"""
Physical Review B (60)
D. Einzel, I. Schurrer
Weak coupling theory of clean (d plus s)-wave superconductors
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (117)
M. Opel, R. Hackl, TP. Devereaux, A. Virosztek, A. Zawadowski
Physical origin of the buckling in CuO2: Electron-phonon coupling and Raman spectra
Physical Review B (60)
EA. Schuberth, ED. Adams, Y. Takano
Platinum black sinters for heat exchangers at very low temperatures
Cryogenics (39)
A. Schlicht, W. Biberacher, A. Lerf
De Haas-van Alphen oscillations in the 12 angstrom-methylene blue intercalation compound of 2H-TaS2
Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter (11)
A. Bruckl, K. Neumaier, D. Einzel, K. Andres, S. Flaschin, GM. Kalvius, G. Nakamoto, T. Takabatake
Low temperature specific heat of the Kondo-semimetal CeNiSn in zero and applied magnetic fields
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (115)
MV. Kartsovnik, GY. Logvenov, K. Maki, ND. Kushch
Interlayer magnetotransport in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X superconductors
Synthetic Metals (103)
J. Singleton, MM. Honold, N. Harrison, MS. Nam, CH. Mielke, MV. Kartsovnik, ND. Kushch
Hall potential oscillations in alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)TlHg(SCN)(4)
Synthetic Metals (103)
TG. Togonidze, AE. Kovalev, MV. Kartsovnik, E. Canadell, ND. Kushch, EB. Yagubskii
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in a new stable organic metal kappa-(BETS)(2)C(CN)(3)
Synthetic Metals (103)
H. Weiss, MV. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, E. Steep, E. Balthes, AGM. Jansen, ND. Kushch
Magnetotransport studies of the Fermi surface in the organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Br
Synthetic Metals (103)
D. Zhang, C. Probst, W. Biberacher, K. Andres, N. Kushch, H. Kobayashi
Magnetism of BETS conductors kappa- and lambda-(BETS)(2)FeCl4
Synthetic Metals (103)
A. Schlicht, A. Lerf, W. Biberacher
Torque measurements on methylene blue intercalation compounds of 2H-TaS2
Synthetic Metals (102)
V. Laukhin, E. Ribera, C. Rovira, J. Veciana, M. Gener, E. Canadell, T. Togonidze, S. Khasanov, R. Shibaeva, W. Biberacher, K. Andres, MV. Kartsovnik
New family of low-dimensional organic metals based on the asymmetrical multisulfur donor ETEDT-TTF: transport and magnetotransport properties
Synthetic Metals (102)
Weiss, H|Kartsovnik, MV|Biberacher, W|Steep, E|Balthes, E|Jansen, AGM|Andres, K|Kushch, ND
Magnetotransport studies of the Fermi surface in the organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Br
Physical Review B (59)
MM. Honold, N. Harrison, J. Singleton, MS. Nam, SJ. Blundell, CH. Mielke, MV. Kartsovnik, ND. Kushch
Pulsed-magnetic-field measurements of Hall potential oscillations in alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)TlHg(SCN)(4) within the quantum Hall regime
Physical Review B (59)
S. Schottl, EA. Schuberth, K. Flachbart, JB. Kycia, JI. Hong, DN. Seidman, WP. Halperin
Anisotropic dc magnetization of superconducting UPt3 and antiferromagnetic ordering below 20 mK
Physical Review Letters (82)
JJ. Neumeier, K. Andres, KJ. Mcclellan
Thermal expansion of single-crystalline La0.83Sr0.17MnO3: The importance of temperature-induced strain for the electrical resistivity
Physical Review B (59)
S. Schottl, E. Schuberth, K. Flachbart, J. Kycia, A. Menovsky
Penetration depth and torque of superconducting UPt3
Physica B-Condensed Matter (259-61)
E. Steep, LH. Nguyen, W. Biberacher, H. Muller, AGM. Jansen, P. Wyder
Forbidden orbits in the magnetic breakdown regime of kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(NCS)(2)
Physica B-Condensed Matter (259-61)