Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Oguibénine, Boris
Lexicography in the Indian and Buddhist cultural field
proceedings of a conference at the University of Strasbourg, 25 - 27 April 1996
Studia Tibetica. Quellen und Studien zur tibetischen Lexikographie
978 3 7696 1003 1
1998, Komm. für Zentralasiatische Studien, Bayerische Akad. der Wiss., München
170 S.
Band IV: Boris Oguibénine, ed.: Lexicography in the Indian and Buddhist
cultural field. Proceedings of the Conference at the University of Strasbourg
25 to 27 April 1996. 1998. 170 S., Brosch. € 30,00.
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