Service department: IT and Digital Humanities
The IT department of the academy and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre support researchers with all their digital needs. This includes the centralised procurement and administration of hardware, software and network resources as well as training courses for handling and using computer technology efficiently.

You can contact us via the following channels:
- System administration (network, hardware, standard software): pc(at)
- Digitisation, institutional repository, website technology: digitalisierung(at)
- Link to contact details of IT department employees
The IT department also helps the academy to digitise its research projects, particularly in the humanities. This support extends through all phases of a research project, from providing advice on the digital aspects of research proposals to ensuring the long-term archiving of digital material from completed projects. Employees at the IT department develop solutions for the successful deployment of digital technologies. They also develop dedicated tools such as content management systems and databases for some research projects at the academy. Furthermore, the IT department is responsible for setting up and maintaining the academy website, including dedicated microsites for research projects and the institutional repository.