Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Grabatin, M.; Hommel, W.; Metzger, S.; Pöhn, D.
DAME: On-demand Internet-scale SAML Metadata Exchange
International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements (Vol. 8)
Guillen, C.; Hesse, W.; Navarrete, C.; Brehm, M.
Automated Analysis of the Performance of Jobs on SuperMUC with the PerSyst Tool
Inside (Vol 13, Issue 2)
Guminski, K.; Anthes, C.; Brandstätter, M.
Senseparation. Short paper
Guminski, K.; Anthes, C.; Brandstätter, M.
Senseparation. Extended Abstract
Hommel, W.; Metzger, S.; Pöhn, D.; Von Eye, F.
Improving higher education network security by automating scan result evaluation with Dr. Portscan
EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT (Vol. 2)
Hammer, N.; Satzger, H.; Allalen, M.; Karmakar, A.; Iapichino, L.; Jamitzky, F.
SuperMUC Phase 2: Challenges of Peta-scale applications
inSIDE (Vol. 13, Issue 2)
Hommel, W.; Metzger, S.; Pöhn, D.
GÉANT-TrustBroker: Simplifying Identity & Access Management for International Research Projects and Higher Education Communities
EUNIS Journal of Higher Education IT (Vol. 2)
Karmakar, A.; Hammer, N.; Iapichino, L.; Karakasis, V.
Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC) at LRZ
inSIDE (Vol. 13, Issue 1)
Lorenzen, K.; Mathias, G.; Tavan, P.
Linearly Scaling an Almost Hamiltonian Dielectric Continuum Molecular Dynamics Simulations through Fast Multipole Expansions
J. Chem. Phys (Vol. 143, Issue 184114)
Navarrete, C.; Guillen, C.; Hesse, W.; Brayford, D.; Brehm, M.
EU Project ‘AutoTune’ finished
Inside (Vol 13, Issue 2)
Schmidt, W.; Schulz, J.; Iapichino, L.; Vazza, F.; Almgren, A. S.
Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor-merger scenario
Astronomy & Computing (Vol. 9, Issue 49)
Schwörer, M.; Lorenzen, K.; Mathias, G.; Tavan, P.
Utilizing Fast Multipole Expansions for Efficient and Accurate Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations
J. Chem. Phys (Vol. 142, Issue 104108)
Schwörer, M.; Mathias, G.
Modeling Biomolecular Solvation Effects by Hybrid QM/MM Methods
Sgattoni, A.; Fedeli, L.; Sinigardi, S.; Marocchino, A.; Macchi, A.; Weinberg, V.; Karmakar, A.
Optimising PICCANTE – an Open Source Particle-in-Cell Code for Advanced Simulations on Tier-0 Systems
[cs.DC] (1503.02464)
Shoukourian, H.; Wilde, T.; Auweter, A.; Bode, A.; Tafani, D.
Predicting Energy Consumption Relevant Indicators of Strong Scaling HPC Applications for Different Compute Resource Configurations. Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2015, At Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Simulation Series (Vol 47, No. 4)
Shoukourian, H.; Wilde, T.; Auweter, A.; Bode, A.
Power Variation Aware Configuration Adviser for Scalable HPC Schedulers
Wilde, T.; Clees, T.; Hornung, N.; Labrenz, D.; Schnell, M.; Schwichtenberg, H.; Shoukourian, H.; Torgovitskaia, I.; Lluch Alvarez, E.
Increasing Data Center Energy Efficiency via Simulation and Optimization of Cooling Circuits – A Practical Approach
LNCS (9424)
Zachmann, M.; Mathias, G.; Antes, I.
Parameterization of the Hamiltonian Dielectric Solvent (HADES) Reaction-Field Method for the Solvation Free Energies of Amino Acid Side-Chain Analogs
ChemPhysChem (Vol. 16)
Flecker, Manuel
Römische Gladiatorenbilder
Studien zu den Gladiatorenreliefs der späten Republik und der Kaiserzeit aus Italien
Studien zur antiken Stadt (15)
Steinhart, Matthias
Im Wettstreit mit Apelles
archäologische Bemerkungen zur Konzeption von Giorgiones Tempesta
Sitzungsbericht der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (2015,2)
Pfotenhauer, Helmut
Literarische Biographie als philologischer Erkenntnisgewinn?
Neue Bücher über Goethe; vorgetragen in der Sitzung vom 9. Januar 2015
Sitzungsbericht der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (2015,1)
Kohwagner-Nikolai, Tanja
Die textilen Inschriften der Stadt Bamberg (Online-Ausgabe)
Die Deutschen Inschriften (DIO 6)