Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Hammer, N.; Jamitzky, F.; Satzger, H.; Allalen, M.; Block, A.; Karmakar, A.; Brehm, M.; Bader, R.; Iapichino, L.; Ragagnin, A.; Karakasis, V.; Kranzlmüller, D.; Bode, A.; Huber, H.; Kühn, M.; Machado, R.; Grünewald, D.; Edelmann, P.V.K.; Röpke, F.K.; Wittmann, M.; Zeiser, T.; Wellein, G.; Mathias, G.; Schwörer, M.; Lorenzen, K.; Federrath, C.; Klessen, R.; Bamberg, K.-U.; Ruhl, H.; Schornbaum, F.; Bauer, M.; Nikhil, A.; Qi, J.; Klimach, H.; Stüben, H.; Deshmukh, A.; Falkenstein, T.; Dolag, K.; Petkova, M.
Extreme Scale-out SuperMUC Phase 2 – lessons learned
Iapichino, L.; Karakasis, V.; Karmakar, A.; Hammer, N.; Petkova, M.; Dolag, K.
Quickly selecting nearest particles in the Friends-of-Friends component of Gadget
Iapichino, L.; Karakasis, V.; Karmakar, A.; Hammer, N.; Petkova, M.; Dolag, K.
Improving node-level performance in Gadget: data structure and data locality
Kader, I.; Sengoku-Haga, K.; Anthes, C.; Ikeuchi, K.
Archäologische Sehschule 2.0
Akademie Aktuell (Band 53, Heft 2)
Leong, S. H.; Anthes, C.; Magnon, F.; Spinuso, A.; Casarotti, E.
Advanced Visualisation of Seismic Wave Propagation and Speed Model
inSiDE (Volume 13, Issue 1)
Leong, S. H. and Kranzlmüller D.
Towards a General Definition of Urgent Computing
Procedia Computer Science (Vol. 51)
Leong, S. H. and Kranzlmüller D.
Advanced Visualisation and Urgent Computing
Intl. Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2015 (Vol. 17)
Leong, S. H. and Kranzlmüller D.
A Case Study – Cost of Preemption for Urgent Computing on SuperMUC
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 9137)
Shoukourian, H.; Wilde, T.; Auweter, A.; Bode, A.; Tafani, D.
Predicting Energy Consumption Relevant Indicators of Strong Scaling HPC Applications for Different Compute Resource Configurations
Wiedemann, M.; Anthes, C.; Bunge, H.-P.; Schuberth, B. S. A.; Kranzlmüller, D.
Transforming Geodata for Immersive Visualisation
Wilde, T.; Auweter, A.; Shoukourian, H.; Bode, A.
Taking advantage of node power variation in homogenous HPC systems to save energy
Wilde, T.; Clees, T.; Schwichtenberg, H.; Shoukourian, H.; Labrenz, D.; Torgovitskaia, I.; Schnell, M.; Hornung, N.; Klaaßen, B.; Lluch Alvarez, E.
Towards energy-efficient data center infrastructure – a holistic approach based on software for modeling, simulation, and (re) configuration of the energy network
Allalen, M.; Brayford, D.; Tafani, D.; Weinberg, V.; Mohr, B.; Brömmel, D.; Halver, R.; Meinke, J.; Mohanty, S.
The Mont-Blanc Project: First Phase successfully finished
inSIDE (Vol. 13, No. 2)
Alter, S.; Bader, K. C.; Spannagl, M.; Wang, Y.; Bauer, E.; Schön, C-C.; Mayer, K. F. X.
Drought DB: an expert-curated compilation of plant drought stress genes and their homologs in nine species
Database – The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. ID bav046
Atkinson, M.; Carpene, M.; Casarott, E.; Claus, S.; Filgueira, R.; Frank, A.; Galea, M.; Gemuend, A.; Igel, H.; Klampanos, I.; Krause, A.; Krischer, L.; Leong, S.H.; Magnoni, F.; Matser, J.; Michelini, A.; Schwichtenberg, H.; Spinuso, A. and Vilotte J.-P.
VERCE delivers a productive e- Science environment for seismology research
Aurand, B.; Kuschel, S.; Rödel, C.; Jäckel, O.; Polz, J.; Elkin, B.; Zhao, H.; Karmakar, A.; Gibbon, P.; Kaluza, M. C.; Kuehl, T.
Reduction of X-ray generation in high-intensity laser ion acceleration
Applied Physics (Vol. 118, Issue 2)
Dolag, K.; Reinecke, M.; Hammer, N.; Jamitzky, F.; Iapichino, L.; Satzger, F.; Kühn, M.; Rahn, M.
Visualizing 10^11 particles from cosmological simulations
inSIDE (Vol. 13, Issue 2)
Von Eye, F.; Grabatin M, ; Hommel, W.
Netzbasierte Erkennung von mittels Port Knocking versteckten Diensten und Backdoors
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI): Proceedings (243)
Von Eye, F.; Schmitz, D.; Hommel, W.
Integrated Tool Support in the Context of Security and Network Management Convergence
Von Eye, F.; Böttger, T.; Reiser, H.; Braun, L.; Gasser, O.; Carle, G.
DoS Amplification Attacks – Protocol-Agnostic Detection of Service Abuse in Amplifier Networks
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9053)
Von Eye, F.; Hommel, W.; Metzger, S.
Know-how: Aufbau und Betrieb von organisationsweitem Security-Monitoring – Wichtiges sehen, Gefährliches bekämpfen
IT-Administrator (Bd. 3)
Von Eye, F.; Böttger, T.; Reiser, H.; Braun, L.; Gasser, O.; Carle, G.
Detektion und Prävention von Denial-of-Service Amplification Attacken – Schutz des Netzes aus Sicht eines Amplifiers
Von Eye, F.; Hommel, W.; Metzger, S.
Seeing Eye – Set up and operate security monitoring throughout the enterprise
Admin: Network & Security (Vol. 29)
García, R. J.; Rodríguez, A.; García, J. M.; Magdics, M.; Bekaert, P.; Sibert, M.
Implementation of an immersive videogame: Legends of Girona
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics (IJCICG) (Vol. 6, Issue 1)