Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Tutzauer, Patrick
On the reconstruction, interpretation and enhancement of virtual city models
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 851)
Maas, Alina Elisabeth
Klassifikation multitemporaler Fernerkundungsdaten unter Verwendung fehlerbehafteter topographischer Daten
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 848)
Blott, Gregor
Multi-view person re-identification
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 847)
Langner, Martin [Herausgeber]; Schmidt, Stefan [Herausgeber]
Die Materialität griechischer Vasen
mikrohistorische Perspektiven in der Vasenforschung
Beihefte zum Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Deutschland (Band 9)
Staudacher, Klaus; Nida-Rümelin, Julian
Philosophische Überlegungen zur Verantwortung von KI
eine Ablehnung des Konzepts der E-Person
Working paper (Nr. 2)
Juste, David [Herausgeber]; Dalen, Benno van [Herausgeber]; Burnett, Charles [Herausgeber]; Hasse, Dag Nikolaus [Herausgeber]
Ptolemy's science of the stars in the Middle Ages
Zuber, Niina; Kacianka, Severin; Pretschner, Alexander; Nida-Rümelin, Julian
Ethische Deliberation für agile Softwareprozesse
Working paper ([1])
Bregler, Thomas
Die oberdeutschen Reichsstädte auf dem Rastatter Friedenskongress (1797-1799)
Studien zur bayerischen Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte (Band 33)
Hadry, Sarah
Kartographie, Chorographie und Territorialverwaltung um 1600
die Pfalz-Neuburgische Landesaufnahme 1579/84-1604
Studien zur bayerischen Verfassungs- und Sozialgeschichte (Band 32)
Eigenmann, Bernd
der ehemalige Landkreis
Historisches Ortsnamenbuch von Bayern / Schwaben (Band 15)
Freienhagen-Baumgardt, Kristina [Herausgeber]; Frühmorgen-Voss, Hella; Rudolph, Pia [Herausgeber]; Ott, Norbert H.; Zotz, Nicola [Herausgeber]
Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters
72. Lanzelot - 84. Johann von Soest, "Margreth von Limburg"
Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters (KdiH) (8)
Florian Willkofer and Raul R. Wood and Fabian von Trentini and Jens Weismüller and Benjamin Poschlod and Ralf Ludwig
A Holistic Modelling Approach for the Estimation of Return Levels of Peak Flows in Bavaria
Water (12,9)
Anudari Batsaikhan and Stephan Hachinger and Wolfgang Kurtz and Helmut Heller and Anton Frank
Application of Modern Web Technologies to the Citizen Science Project BAYSICS on Climate Research and Science Communication
Sustainability (12,18)
Salvatore Cielo and Luigi Iapichino and Fabio Baruffa and Matteo Bugli and Christoph Federrath
Honing and proofing Astrophysical codes on the road to Exascale. Experiences from code modernization on many-core systems
Future Generation Computer Systems (112)
Hayk Shoukourian and Dieter Kranzlmüller
Forecasting power-efficiency related key performance indicators for modern data centers using LSTMs
Future Generation Computer Systems (112)
Jacob Teffs and Thomas Ertl and Paolo Mazzali and Stephan Hachinger and H-Thomas Janka
How much H and He is ‘hidden’ in SNe Ib/c? – II. Intermediate-mass objects: a 22 M⊙ progenitor case study
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (499,1)
David W. Wright, Robin A. Richardson, Wouter Edeling, Jalal Lakhlili, Robert C. Sinclair, Vytautas Jancauskas, Diana Suleimenova, Bartosz Bosak, Michal Kulczewski, Tomasz Piontek, Piotr Kopta, Irina Chirca, Hamid Arabnejad, Onnie O. Luk, Olivier Hoenen, Jan Węglarz, Daan Crommelin, Derek Groen, Peter V. Coveney
Building Confidence in Simulation: Applications of EasyVVUQ
Advanced Theory and Simulations (3,8)
Antonio Parodi and Emanuele Danovaro and James Hawkes and Tiago Quintino and Martina Lagasio and Fabio Delogu and Mirko D'Andrea and Andrea Parodi and Biagio Massimo Sardo and Andrea Ajmar and Paola Mazzoglio and Fabien Brocheton and Laurent Ganne and Rubén J. García-Hernández and Stephan Hachinger and Mohamad Hayek and Olivier Terzo and Jan Krenek and Jan Martinovic
LEXIS Weather and Climate Large-Scale Pilot
Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems
Hanauer, Tanja and Hommel, Wolfgang
Enhancing Enterprise IT Security with a Visualization-Based Process Framework
SSCC 2019, Security in Computing and Communications
David Brayford and Sofia Vallecorsa
Deploying Scientific Al Networks at Petaflop Scale on Secure Large Scale HPC Production Systems with Containers
Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference
M. T. Chung and J. Weidendorfer and P. Samfass and K. Fuerlinger and D. Kranzlmüller
Scheduling across Multiple Applications using Task-Based Programming Models
2020 IEEE/ACM Fourth Annual Workshop on Emerging Parallel and Distributed Runtime Systems and Middleware (IPDRM)
Saastad, O. W. and Kapanova, K. and Markov, S. and Morales, C. and Shamakina, A. and Johnson, N. and Krishnasamy, E. and Varrette, S. and Shourkourian. H.
Best Practice Guide - Modern Processors
Lührs, S. and Dick, B. and Johnson, C. and Marsella, L. and Mathias, G. and Morales, C. and Axner, L. and Shamakina, A. and Shoukourian, H.
Best Practice Guide - Application porting and code-optimization activities for European HCP systems
Vuletić, P. and Bosak, B. and Dimolianis, M. and Mérindol, P. and Schmitz, D. and Wessing, H.
Localization of network service performance degradation in multi-tenant networks
Computer Networks (168)