Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Bernhard, Michael
Quellen und Studien zur Musiktheorie des Mittelalters II.
Veröffentlichungen der Musikhistorischen Kommission (13)
Gubler, Erich
Report on the symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF)
held in Sofia, 4 - 7 June 1997
Astronomisch-Geodätische Arbeiten (Astronomisch-geodätische Arbeiten ; 58)
Konrad, Michaela
Das römische Gräberfeld von Bregenz - Brigantium
Die Körpergräber des 3. bis 5. Jahrhunderts
Münchner Beiträge zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte (51,1)
Giesler, Jochen
Der Ostalpenraum vom 8. bis 11. Jahrhundert
Studien zu archäologischen und schriftlichen Zeugnissen. Historische Interpretation
Frühgeschichtliche und Provinzialrömische Archäologie. Materialien und Forschungen (1,2)
Fundchronik für das Jahr 1994
Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter. Beihefte (10 (1997), S. 1 - 228, 1 - 6)
GY. Logvenov, P. Muller, MV. Kartsovnik, H. Muller
Interlayer resistance and thermoelectric power as a probe of the Josephson coupling in layered superconductors
Physica C (292)
SI. Pesotskii, AE. Kovalev, P. Boehm, W. Biberacher, K. Andres, MV. Kartsovnik, ND. Kushch, EB. Yagubskii, KV. Van
Galvanomagnetic properties of the new organic metal ET2TlHg(S0.45Se0.55CN)(4)
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (85)
A. Lerf, HY. He, T. Riedl, M. Forster, J. Klinowski
C-13 and H-1 MAS NMR studies of graphite oxide and its chemically modified derivatives
Solid State Ionics (101)
D. Zhang, C. Probst, K. Andres
A novel and sensitive Faraday-type magnetometer for the field range from 0 to 12 T
Review of Scientific Instruments (68)
A. Bruckl, K. Neumaier, C. Probst, K. Andres, SJ. Flaschin, A. Kratzer, GM. Kalvius
Disorder-induced heavy fermion behaviour in CeNi1-xCuxSn-alloys
Physica B (240)
H. Weiss, MV. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, E. Steep, AGM. Jansen, ND. Kushch
Magnetic quantum oscillations in the organic superconductor kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Br
Jetp Letters (66)
Nemetschek, R|Opel, M|Hoffmann, C|Muller, PF|Hackl, R|Berger, H|Forro, L|Erb, A|Walker, E
Pseudogap and superconducting gap in the electronic Raman spectra of underdoped cuprates
Physical Review Letters (78)
N. Harrison, MM. Honold, MV. Kartsovnik, J. Singleton, ST. Hannahs, DG. Rickel, ND. Kushch
Quantum galvanomagnetic effects in the organic metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)TlHg(SCN)(4)
Physical Review B (55)
K. Uhlig, W. Hehn
He-3/He-4 dilution refrigerator precooled by Gifford-McMahon refrigerator
Cryogenics (37)
MV. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, E. Steep, P. Christ, K. Andres, AGM. Jansen, H. Muller
High-field studies of the H-T phase diagram of alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHS(SCN)(4).
Synthetic Metals (86)
PJ. Gee, N. Harrison, MV. Kartsovnik, AV. Polisski, J. Singleton, SJ. Blundell, F. Herlach
Quasi-persistent currents in the high field phase of alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)TlHg(SCN)(4): Evidence for quantum Hall effect
Synthetic Metals (86)
GY. Logvenov, MV. Kartsovnik, H. Ito, T. Ishiguro
Seebeck and Nernst effects in the mixed state of the two-band organic superconductors kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu(NCS)(2) and kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)Cu[N(CN)(2)]Br.
Synthetic Metals (86)
P. Christ, W. Biberacher, W. Bensch, H. Muller, K. Andres
Torque measurements on alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)MHg(SCN)(4)
Synthetic Metals (86)
MV. Kartsovnik, GY. Logvenov, W. Biberacher, T. Ishiguro, P. Christ, K. Andres, E. Steep, AGM. Jansen, ND. Kushch, H. Muller
Magnetoresistance of kappa-(BEDT-TTF)(2)X in normal and mixed states.
Synthetic Metals (86)
GM. Kalvius, SJ. Flaschin, T. Takabatake, A. Kratzer, R. Wappling, DR. Noakes, FJ. Burghart, A. Bruckl, K. Neumaier, K. Andres, R. Kadono, I. Watanabe, K. Kobayashi, G. Nakamoto, H. Fujii
mu SR studies of magnetic correlations in Pt and Cu doped CeNiSn
Physica B (230)
A. Kratzer, GM. Kalvius, SJ. Flaschin, DR. Noakes, R. Wappling, A. Bruckl, K. Neumaier, K. Andres, T. Takabatake, K. Kobayashi, G. Nakamoto, H. Fujii
mu SR magnetic response of CeNiSn on impurity content
Physica B (230)
GM. Kalvius, T. Takabatake, A. Kratzer, R. Wappling, DR. Noakes, SJ. Flaschin, FJ. Burghart, R. Kadono, I. Watanabe, A. Bruckl, K. Neumaier, K. Andres, K. Kobayashi, G. Nakamoto, H. Fujii
The influence of impurities and alloying in the Kondo semimetal CeNiSn as seen by mu SR
Hyperfine Interactions (104)
Schmidt, Thomas M.
Anerkennung und absolute Religion
Formierung der Gesellschaftstheorie und Genese der spekulativen Religionsphilosophie in Hegels Frühschriften
Spekulation und Erfahrung. Texte und Untersuchungen zum Deutschen Idealismus. Reihe 2 (38)