Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Reinemann, Carsten; Zieringer, Lisa
Meinungsmachtkontrolle und Vielfaltsmonitoring im digitalen Zeitalter
eine kritische Reflexion der Begriffe, Annahmen, Indikatoren und Verfahren von Medienstaatsvertrag, Konzentrationskontrolle und Medienvielfaltsmonitoring
Working paper (Nr. 4)
Beyer, Florian
Analyse der Vegetation und Ableitung von Pflanzenparametern in Feuchtgebieten aus multisensoralen Fernerkundungsdaten unbemannter Flugsysteme
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 873)
Dbouk, Hani
Alternative integrity measures based on interval analysis and set theory
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 874)
Cheng, Hao
Deep learning of user behavior in shared spaces
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 872)
Muraña, Jonathan and Navarrete, Carmen and Nesmachnow, Sergio
Machine Learning for Generic Energy Models of High Performance Computing Resources
High Performance Computing (12761)
Martone, Michele and Lawall, Julia
Refactoring for Performance with Semantic Patching: Case Study with Recipes
High Performance Computing (12761)
Federrath, Christoph and Klessen, Ralf S. and Iapichino, Luigi and Beattie, James R.
The sonic scale of interstellar turbulence
Nature Astronomy (Volume 5, Number 4)
Klöffel, Tobias and Mathias, Gerald and Meyer, Bernd
Integrating state of the art compute, communication, and autotuning strategies to multiply the performance of ab initio molecular dynamics on massively parallel multi-core supercomputers
Computer Physics Communications (260)
Kolb, Daniel and Ballis, Anja and Gloe, Markus and Duda, Florian and Heindl, Fabian and Hüttl, Ernst and Kolb, Daniel and Schwendemann, Lisa
Evaluation of the interaction with a digital 3d testimony
Groen, D. and Arabnejad, H. and Jancauskas, V. and Edeling, W. N. and Jansson, F. and Richardson, R. A. and Lakhlili, J. and Veen, L. and Bosak, B. and Kopta, P. and Wright, D. W. and Monnier, N. and Karlshoefer, P. and Suleimenova, D. and Sinclair, R. and Vassaux, M. and Nikishova, A. and Bieniek, M. and Luk, Onnie O. and Kulczewski, M. and Raffin, E. and Crommelin, D. and Hoenen, O. and Coster, D. P. and Piontek, T. and Coveney, P. V.
VECMAtk: a scalable verification, validation and uncertainty quantification toolkit for scientific simulations
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (Volume 379, Number 2197)
Kolb, Daniel and August Kranzlmüller, Dieter
Preserving conversations with contemporary holocaust witnesses: evaluation of interactions with a digital 3d testimony
Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Genz, Fabio and Fuchs, Niklas and Kolb, Daniel and Müller, Simone and Kranzlmüller, Dieter
Evaluation of proprietary social vr platforms for use in distance learning
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics (12980)
Genz, Fabio and Hufeld, Clemens and Müller, Simone and Kolb, Daniel and Starck, Johannes and Kranzlmüller, Dieter
Replacing eeg sensors by ai based emulation
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics (12980)
Mayer, Elisabeth and Kriszun, Klara and Merz, Luisa and Radon, Katja and Garrido, Marie Astrid and Kranzlmüller, Dieter August
Designing an educational virtual reality application to learn ergonomics in a work place
ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences
Iglezakis, Dorothea and Fuhrmans, Marc and Arndt, Susanne and Demandt, Évariste and Hachinger, Stephan and Hausen, Daniela and Lanza, Giacomo and Lipp, Johannes and Stotzka, Rainer and Terzijska, Džulia
Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement : 2021, 2 Interoperabilität von Metadaten innerhalb der NFDI
Bispo, João and Barbosa, Jorge G. and Silva, Pedro Filipe and Morales, Cristian and Myllykoski, Mirko and Ojeda-May, Pedro and Bialczak, Milosz and Uchronski, Mariusz and Wlodarczyk, Adam and Wauligmann, Peter and Krishnasamy, Ezhilmathi and Varrette, Sebastien and Lührs, Sebastian
Best Practice Guide Modern Accelerators
Shoukourian, Hayk and Weinberg, Volker and Januszewsk, Radosław and Stoffers, Huub and Johansson, Andreas and Salminen, Susanna and Krishnasamy, Ezhilmathi and Meyer, Norbert and Pleiter, Dirk and Robin, François and Souques, Frederic and Ducos, Jean-Marc and Nomine, Jean-Philippe
European Workshops on HPC Infrastructures
Proceedings of the 11th European HPC Infrastructure Workshop
O’Brien, John T. and Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E. and Fullard, Andrew and Williamson, Marc and Pakmor, Rüdiger and Buchner, Johannes and Hachinger, Stephan and Vogl, Christian and Gillanders, James H. and Flörs, Andreas and van der Smagt, Patrick
Probabilistic reconstruction of type ia supernova sn 2002bo
The Astrophysical Journal Letters (Volume 916, Number 2)
Hachinger, Stephan and Martinovič, Jan and Terzo, Olivier and Levrier, Marc and Scionti, Alberto and Magarielli, Donato and Goubier, Thierry and Parodi, Antonio and Harsh, Piyush and Apopei, Florin-Ionut and Munke, Johannes and García-Hernández, Rubén and Golasowski, Martin and Hayek, Mohamad and Donnat, Frédéric and Ganne, Laurent and Koch-Hofer, Cédric and Vitali, Giacomo and Viviani, Paolo and Schorlemmer, Danijel and Danovaro, Emanuele and Parodi, Andrea and Murphy, Seán and Dees, Aaron
HPC-Cloud-Big Data convergent architectures and research data management: the lexis approach
Proceedings of International Symposium on Grids & Clouds 2021 — PoS(ISGC2021)
Kronbichler, Martin and Fehn, Niklas and Munch, Peter and Bergbauer, Maximilian and Wichmann, Karl-Robert and Geitner, Carolin and Allalen, Momme and Schulz, Martin and Wall, Wolfgang A.
A next-generation discontinuous galerkin fluid dynamics solver with application to high-resolution lung airflow simulations
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Batsaikhan, Anudari and Divanis, A. and Kurtz, Wolfgang
Insights from the German project BAYSICS on imagery and geographic information in citizen science
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS)
Ruefenacht, Martin and Schafer, Derek and Skjellum, Anthony and Bangalore, Purushotham V.
MPIs language bindings are holding MPI back
Ghosh, Sayan and Alsobrooks, Clara and Rufenacht, Martin and Skjellum, Anthony and Bangalore, Purushotham V. and Lumsdaine, Andrew
Towards modern c++ language support for mpi
2021 Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI)
Schafer, Derek and Hines, Thomas and Suggs, Evan Drake and Rufenacht, Martin and Skjellum, Anthony
Overlapping communication and computation with exampi's strong progress and modern c++ design
2021 Workshop on Exascale MPI (ExaMPI)
Rüfenacht, Martin Peter Albert
Towards larger scale collective operations in the Message Passing Interface