Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Stephan Gepraegs, Matthias Opel, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Rudolf Gross
Giant magnetoelastic effects in BaTiO3-based extrinsic multiferroic hybrids
Physical Review B (86)
L. Dreher, M. Weiler, M. Pernpeintner, H. Huebl, R. Gross, M. S. Brandt, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Surface acoustic wave driven ferromagnetic resonance in nickel thin films: Theory and experiment
Physical Review B (86)
P. D. Grigoriev, M. V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher
Magnetic-field-induced dimensional crossover in the organic metal alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4)
Physical Review B (86)
M. V. Sivers, C. Ciemniak, A. Erb, F. V. Feilitzsch, A. Guetlein, J-C. Lanfranchi, J. Lepelmeier, A. Muenster, W. Potzel, S. Roth, R. Strauss, U. Thalhammer, S. Wawoczny, M. Willers, A. Zoeller
Influence of annealing on the optical and scintillation properties of CaWO4 single crystals
Optical Materials (34)
Matthias Althammer, Eva-Maria Karrer-mueller, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Matthias Opel, Rudolf Gross
Spin transport and spin dephasing in zinc oxide
Applied Physics Letters (101)
C. E. Alarcon-suesca, M. Opel, D. A. Tellezlandinez tellez, J. Roa-rojas
Structural, magnetic and electric behavior of the new Ba2TiMoO6 material
Physica B-Condensed Matter (407)
O. M. Vyaselev, M. V. Kartsovnik, N. D. Kushch, E. B. Yagubskii
Staggered spin order of localized pi-electrons in the insulating state of the organic conductor kappa-(BETS)(2)Mn[N(CN)(2)](3)
Jetp Letters (95)
M. Leib, F. Deppe, A. Marx, R. Gross, M. J. Hartmann
Networks of nonlinear superconducting transmission line resonators
New Journal of Physics (14)
M. Lavagnini, F. Pfuner, R. Monnier, L. Degiorgi, H. -M. Eiter, L. Tassini, B. Muschler, R. Hackl, J. -H. Chu, N. Ru, K. Y. Shin, I. R. Fisher
Infrared and Raman investigation of the charge-density-wave state in rare-earth tri-telluride compounds
Physica B-Condensed Matter (407)
M. V. Kartsovnik, W. Biberacher, D. Andres, S. Jakob, M. Kunz, K. Neumaier, H. Mueller, N. D. Kushch
Magnetic field effects on the charge-density-wave and superconducting states in pressurized alpha-(BEDT-TTF)(2)KHg(SCN)(4)
Physica B-Condensed Matter (407)
Yuan Li, M. Le tacon, M. Bakr, D. Terrade, D. Manske, R. Hackl, L. Ji, M. K. Chan, N. Barisic, X. Zhao, M. Greven, B. Keimer
Feedback Effect on High-Energy Magnetic Fluctuations in the Model High-Temperature Superconductor HgBa2CuO4+delta Observed by Electronic Raman Scattering
Physical Review Letters (108)
S. -H. Baek, A. Erb, B. Buechner, H. -J. Grafe
La-139 NMR investigation in underdoped La1.93Sr0.07CuO4
Physical Review B (85)
M. Weiler, H. Huebl, F. S. Goerg, F. D. Czeschka, R. Gross, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Spin Pumping with Coherent Elastic Waves
Physical Review Letters (108)
A. Brandlmaier, M. Brasse, S. Gepraegs, M. Weiler, R. Gross, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Magneto-optical imaging of elastic strain-controlled magnetization reorientation
European Physical Journal B (85)
Felix Hoehne, Lukas Dreher, Jan Behrends, Matthias Fehr, Hans Huebl, Klaus Lips, Alexander Schnegg, Max Suckert, Martin Stutzmann, Martin S. Brandt
Lock-in detection for pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance
Review of Scientific Instruments (83)
Mathias Weiler, Matthias Althammer, Franz D. Czeschka, Hans Huebl, Martin S. Wagner, Matthias Opel, Inga-Mareen Imort, Guenter Reiss, Andy Thomas, Rudolf Gross, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein
Local Charge and Spin Currents in Magnetothermal Landscapes
Physical Review Letters (108)
M. Balbas Gambra, C. Rohr, K. Gruber, B. A. Hermann, T. Franosch
Simulating self-organized molecular patterns using interaction-site models
European Physical Journal E (35)
Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Gerrit E. W. Bauer
SPIN CALORITRONICS Electron spins blow hot and cold
Nature Nanotechnology (7)
Juan Poyato, Jose Luis perez-rodriguez, Anton Lerf, Friedrich E. Wagner
Sonication induced reduction of the Ojen (Andalucia, Spain) vermiculite under air and under nitrogen
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry (19)
Tanner, Widmar
Pflanzenzucht und Gentechnik in einer Welt mit Hungersnot und knappen Ressourcen
Rundgespräch am 4. Juli 2011 in München
Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie/Forum Ökologie (40)
Mayinger, Franz
Die Zukunft der Energieversorgung: Atomausstieg, Versorgungssicherheit und Klimawandel
Rundgespräch am 24. und 25. Januar 2012 in München
Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie/Forum Ökologie (41)
Weber, Max; Krumeich, Gerd [Bandherausgeber]; Lepsius, Mario Rainer [Bandherausgeber]; Hinz, Uta [Bandbearbeiterin]; Oßwald-Bargende, Sybille [Bandbearbeiterin]; Schön, Manfred [Bandbearbeiter]
Abt. II Briefe; Bd. 10 Briefe 1918 - 1920; Teilbd. 1
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe (MWG) (2,10,1)
Weber, Max; Krumeich, Gerd [Bandherausgeber]; Lepsius, Mario Rainer [Bandherausgeber]; Hinz, Uta [Bandbearbeiterin]; Oßwald-Bargende, Sybille [Bandbearbeiterin]; Schön, Manfred [Bandbearbeiter]
Abt. II Briefe; Bd. 10 Briefe 1918 - 1920; Teilbd.2
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe (MWG) (2,10,2)
Bardili, Christoph Gottfried; Paimann, Rebecca
Kleine Schriften zur Logik
Spekulation und Erfahrung. Texte und Untersuchungen zum Deutschen Idealismus. Reihe 1 (11)