Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Saastad, O. W. and Kapanova, K. and Markov, S. and Morales, C. and Shamakina, A. and Johnson, N. and Krishnasamy, E. and Varrette, S. and Shourkourian. H.
Best Practice Guide - Modern Processors
Lührs, S. and Dick, B. and Johnson, C. and Marsella, L. and Mathias, G. and Morales, C. and Axner, L. and Shamakina, A. and Shoukourian, H.
Best Practice Guide - Application porting and code-optimization activities for European HCP systems
Vuletić, P. and Bosak, B. and Dimolianis, M. and Mérindol, P. and Schmitz, D. and Wessing, H.
Localization of network service performance degradation in multi-tenant networks
Computer Networks (168)
Ozer, G. and Netti, A. and Tafani, D. and Schulz, M.
Characterizing HPC Performance Variation with Monitoring and Unsupervised Learning
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (12321 LNCS)
Ozer, G. and Garg, S. and Davoudi, N. and Poerwawinata, G. and Maiterth, M. and Netti, A. and Tafani, D.
Towards a Predictive Energy Model for HPC Runtime Systems Using Supervised Learning
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics (11997 LNCS)
Netti, A. and Müller, M. and Guillen, C. and Ott, M. and Tafani, D. and Ozer, G. and Schulz, M.
DCDB Wintermute: Enabling Online and Holistic Operational Data Analytics on HPC Systems
HPDC 2020 - Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing
Mijakovic, R. and Gerndt, M.
Automatic selection of tuning plugins in PTF using machine learning
Proceedings - 2020 IEEE 34th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2020
Evans, Paul G.; Marks, Samuel D.; Geprägs, Stephan; Dietlein, Maxim; Joly, Yves; Dai, Minyi; Hu, Jiamian; Bouchenoire, Laurence; Thompson, Paul B. J.; Schulli, Tobias U.; Richard, Marie-Ingrid; Gross, Rudolf; Carbone, Dina; Mannix, Danny
Resonant nanodiffraction x-ray imaging reveals role of magnetic domains in complex oxide spin caloritronics
Science Advances (6)
Hula, Tobias; Schultheiss, Katrin; Buzdakov, Aleksandr; Koerber, Lukas; Bejarano, Mauricio; Flacke, Luis; Liensberger, Lukas; Weiler, Mathias; Shaw, Justin M.; Nembach, Hans T.; Fassbender, Juergen; Schultheiss, Helmut
Nonlinear losses in magnon transport due to four-magnon scattering
Applied Physics Letters (117)
Weichselbaumer, Stefan; Zens, Matthias; Zollitsch, Christoph W.; Brandt, Martin S.; Rotter, Stefan; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans
Echo Trains in Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance of a Strongly Coupled Spin Ensemble
Physical Review Letters (125)
Kamra, Akashdeep; Wimmer, Tobias; Huebl, Hans; Althammer, Matthias
Antiferromagnetic magnon pseudospin: Dynamics and diffusive transport
Physical Review B (102)
The CRESST Collaboration
Cryogenic characterization of a LiAlO2 crystal and new results on spin-dependent dark matter interactions with ordinary matter
European Physical Journal C (80)
Dutta, Rajesh; Maity, Avishek; Marsicano, Anna; Stewart, J. Ross; Opel, Matthias; Paulus, Werner
Direct evidence for anisotropic three-dimensional magnetic excitations in a hole-doped antiferromagnet
Physical Review B (102)
Suraj, T.S.; Müller, Manuel; Gelder, Sarah; Geprägs, Stephan; Opel, Matthias; Weiler, Mathias; Sethupathi, K.; Huebl, Hans; Gross, Rudolf; Ramachandra Rao, M.S.; Althammer, Matthias
Effect of interfacial oxidation layer in spin pumping experiments on Ni80Fe20/SrIrO3 heterostructures
Journal of Applied Physics (128)
Boschini, F.; Zonno, M.; Razzoli, E.; Day, R. P.; Michiardi, M.; Zwartsenberg, B.; Nigge, P.; Schneider, M.; da Silva Neto, E. H.; Erb, A.; Zhdanovich, S.; Mills, A. K.; Levy, G.; Giannetti, C.; Jones, D. J.; Damascelli, A.
Emergence of pseudogap from short-range spin-correlations in electron doped cuprates
npj Quantum Materials (5)
Lazarević, Nenad; Hackl, Rudi
Fluctuations and pairing in Fe-based superconductors: Light scattering experiments
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (32)
Meinert, Markus; Gliniors, Björn; Gueckstock, Oliver; Seifert, Tom S.; Liensberger, Lukas; Weiler, Mathias; Wimmer, Sebastian; Ebert, Hubert; Kampfrath, Tobias
High-Throughput Techniques for Measuring the Spin Hall Effect
Physical Review Applied (14)
Küß, M.; Heigl, M.; Flacke, L.; Hörner, A.; Weiler, M.; Albrecht, M.; Wixforth, A.
Nonreciprocal Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Magnetoacoustic Waves
Physical Review Letters (125)
Wimmer, Tobias; Kamra, Akashdeep; Gückelhorn, Janine; Opel, Matthias; Geprägs, Stephan; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans; Althammer, Matthias
Observation of Antiferromagnetic Magnon Pseudospin Dynamics and the Hanle Effect
Physical Review Letters (125)
Geprägs, Stephan; Skovdal, Björn Erik; Scheufele, Monika; Opel, Matthias; Wermeille, Didier; Thompson, Paul; Bombardi, Alessandro; Simonet, Virginie; Grenier, Stéphane; Lejay, Pascal; Chahine, Gilbert Andre; Quintero Castro, Diana; Gross, Rudolf; Mannix, Dan
Precise control of Jeff=1/2 magnetic properties in Sr2IrO4 epitaxial thin films by variation of strain and thin film thickness
Physical Review B (102)
Gückelhorn, J.; Wimmer, T.; Geprägs, S.; Huebl, H.; Gross, R.; Althammer, M.
Quantitative comparison of magnon transport experiments in three-terminal YIG/Pt nanostructures acquired via dc and ac detection techniques
Applied Physics Letters (117)
He, G.; Li, D.; Jost, D.; Baum, A.; Shen, P. P.; Dong, X. L.; Zhao, Z. X.; Hackl, R.
Raman Study of Cooper Pairing Instabilities in (Li1−xFex)OHFeSe
Physical Review Letters (125)
Schmidt, Philip; Amawi, Mohammad T.; Pogorzalek, Stefan; Deppe, Frank; Marx, Achim; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans
Sideband-resolved resonator electromechanics on the single-photon level based on a nonlinear Josephson inductance
Communications Physics (3)
Geprägs, Stephan; Klewe, Christoph; Meyer, Sibylle; Graulich, Dominik; Schade, Felix; Schneider, Marc; Francoual, Sonia; Collins, Stephen P.; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei; Joly, Yves; Goennenwein, Sebastian T.B.; Opel, Matthias; Kuschel, Timo; Gross, Rudolf
Static magnetic proximity effects and spin Hall magnetoresistance in Pt/Y3Fe5O12 and inverted Y3Fe5O12/Pt bilayers
Physical Review B (102)
Nachtigal, Jakob; Avramovska, Marija; Erb, Andreas; Pavićević, Danica; Guehne, Robin; Haase, Jürgen
Temperature independent cuprate pseudogap from planar oxygen NMR
Condensed Matter (5)