Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes
Weber, Max; Aldenhoff-Hübinger, Rita [Bandherausgeberin]; Hanke, Edith [Bandherausgeberin]
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe (MWG) (2,11)
Zwiener, Jan
Robuste Zustandsschätzung zur Navigation und Regelung autonomer und bemannter Multikopter mit verteilten Sensoren
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 833)
Groß, Wolfgang
Nonlinear feature normalization for hyperspectral feature transfer
DGK: Veröffentlichungen C: Dissertationen (Heft Nr. 843)
Zverev, V. N.; Biberacher, W.; Oberbauer, S.; Sheikin, I.; Alemany, P.; Canadell, E.; Kartsovnik, M. V.
Fermi surface properties of the bifunctional organic metal $\ensuremath\kappa\text\ensuremath-(\mathrmBETS)_2\mathrmMn[\mathrmN(\mathrmCN)_2]_3$ near the metal-insulator transition
Phys. Rev. B (99)
Senlin Xia; Lin Song; Nuri Hohn; Kun Wang; Sebastian Grott; Matthias Opel; Matthias Schwartzkopf; Stephan V. Roth; Peter Müller-Buschbaum
Spray-Coating Magnetic Thin Hybrid Films of PS-b-PNIPAM and Magnetite Nanoparticles
Advanced Functional Materials (29)
S. Pogorzalek; K. G. Fedorov; M. Xu; A. Parra-Rodriguez; M. Sanz; M. Fischer; E. Xie; K. Inomata; Y. Nakamura; E. Solano; A. Marx; F. Deppe; R. Gross
Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states
Nature Communications (10)
Xia, Senlin; Song, Lin; Chen, Wei; Körstgens, Volker; Opel, Matthias; Schwartzkopf, Matthias; Roth, Stephan V.; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter
Printed Thin Diblock Copolymer Films with Dense Magnetic Nanostructure
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (11)
Abdelhameed, A. H.; Angloher, G.; Bauer, P.; Bento, A.; Bertoldo, E.; Bucci, C.; Canonica, L.; D'Addabbo, A.; Defay, X.; Di Lorenzo, S.; Erb, A.; Feilitzsch, F. v.; Fichtinger, S.; Ferreiro Iachellini, N.; Fuss, A.; Gorla, P.; Hauff, D.; Jochum, J.; Kinast, A.; Kluck, H.; Kraus, H.; Langenkämper, A.; Mancuso, M.; Mokina, V.; Mondragon, E.; Münster, A.; Olmi, M.; Ortmann, T.; Pagliarone, C.; Pattavina, L.; Petricca, F.; Potzel, W.; Pröbst, F.; Reindl, F.; Rothe, J.; Schäffner, K.; Schieck, J.; Schipperges, V.; Schmiedmayer, D.; Schönert, S.; Schwertner, C.; Stahlberg, M.; Stodolsky, L.; Strandhagen, C.; Strauss, R.; Türko\ifmmode \checkg\else ǧ\filu, C.; Usherov, I.; Willers, M.; Zema, V.
First results from the CRESST-III low-mass dark matter program
Phys. Rev. D (100)
A. H. Abdelhameed; ; G. Angloher; P. Bauer; A. Bento; E. Bertoldo; C. Bucci; L. Canonica; A. D'Addabbo; X. Defay; S. Di Lorenzo; A. Erb; F. v. Feilitzsch; N. Ferreiro Iachellini; S. Fichtinger; A. Fuss; P. Gorla; D. Hauff; J. Jochum; A. Kinast; H. Kluck; H. Kraus; A. Langenkämper; M. Mancuso; V. Mokina; E. Mondragon; A. Münster; M. Olmi; T. Ortmann; C. Pagliarone; L. Pattavina; F. Petricca; W. Potzel; F. Pröbst; F. Reindl; J. Rothe; K. Schäffner; J. Schieck; V. Schipperges; D. Schmiedmayer; S. Schönert; C. Schwertner; M. Stahlberg; L. Stodolsky; C. Strandhagen; R. Strauss; C. Türko\uglu; I. Usherov; M. Willers; V. Zema; M. Chapellier; A. Giuliani; C. Nones; D. V. Poda; V. N. Shlegel; M. Velázquez; A. S. Zolotarova
First results on sub-GeV spin-dependent dark matter interactions with \textdollar\textdollar\^$\lbrace$7$\rbrace$\textdollar\textdollar 7 Li
The European Physical Journal C (79)
C Kroll; O Dietrich; J Bortfeldt; C Paganelli; G Baroni; F Kamp; S Neppl; C Belka; K Parodi; M Opel; M Riboldi
Improving the modelling of susceptibility-induced spatial distortions in MRI-guided extra-cranial radiotherapy
Physics in Medicine & Biology (64)
A. Baum; H. N. Ruiz; N. Lazarevi\'c; Yao Wang; T. Böhm; R. Hosseinian Ahangharnejhad; P. Adelmann; T. Wolf; Z. V. Popovi\'c; B. Moritz; T. P. Devereaux; R. Hackl
Frustrated spin order and stripe fluctuations in FeSe
Communications Physics (2)
Ruiz, Harrison; Wang, Yao; Moritz, Brian; Baum, Andreas; Hackl, Rudi; Devereaux, Thomas P.
Frustrated magnetism from local moments in FeSe
Phys. Rev. B (99)
Jurkutat, Michael; Erb, Andreas; Haase, Jürgen
Tc and Other Cuprate Properties in Relation to Planar Charges as Measured by NMR
Condensed Matter (4)
M. Coll; J. Fontcuberta; M. Althammer; M. Bibes; H. Boschker; A. Calleja; G. Cheng; M. Cuoco; R. Dittmann; B. Dkhil; I. El Baggari; M. Fanciulli; I. Fina; E. Fortunato; C. Frontera; S. Fujita; V. Garcia; S.T.B. Goennenwein; C.-G. Granqvist; J. Grollier; R. Gross; A. Hagfeldt; G. Herranz; K. Hono; E. Houwman; M. Huijben; A. Kalaboukhov; D.J. Keeble; G. Koster; L.F. Kourkoutis; J. Levy; M. Lira-Cantu; J.L. MacManus-Driscoll; Jochen Mannhart; R. Martins; S. Menzel; T. Mikolajick; M. Napari; M.D. Nguyen; G. Niklasson; C. Paillard; S. Panigrahi; G. Rijnders; F. Sánchez; P. Sanchis; S. Sanna; D.G. Schlom; U. Schroeder; K.M. Shen; A. Siemon; M. Spreitzer; H. Sukegawa; R. Tamayo; J. van den Brink; N. Pryds; F. Miletto Granozio
Towards Oxide Electronics: a Roadmap
Applied Surface Science (482)
G. Angloher; ; P. Bauer; A. Bento; E. Bertoldo; C. Bucci; L. Canonica; A. D'Addabbo; X. Defay; S. Di Lorenzo; A. Erb; F. v. Feilitzsch; N. Ferreiro Iachellini; P. Gorla; D. Hauff; J. Jochum; M. Kiefer; H. Kluck; H. Kraus; A. Langenkämper; M. Mancuso; V. Mokina; E. Mondragon; V. Morgalyuk; A. Münster; M. Olmi; C. Pagliarone; F. Petricca; W. Potzel; F. Pröbst; F. Reindl; J. Rothe; K. Schäffner; J. Schieck; V. Schipperges; S. Schönert; M. Stahlberg; L. Stodolsky; C. Strandhagen; R. Strauss; C. Türkoglu; I. Usherov; M. Willers; M. Wüstrich; V. Zema; R. Catena
Limits on dark matter effective field theory parameters with CRESST-II
The European Physical Journal C (79)
Weichselbaumer, Stefan; Natzkin, Petio; Zollitsch, Christoph W.; Weiler, Mathias; Gross, Rudolf; Huebl, Hans
Quantitative Modeling of Superconducting Planar Resonators for Electron Spin Resonance
Phys. Rev. Applied (12)
Althammer,Matthias ; Singh,Amit Vikram ; Wimmer,Tobias ; Galazka,Zbigniew ; Huebl,Hans ; Opel,Matthias ; Gross,Rudolf ; Gupta,Arunava
Role of interface quality for the spin Hall magnetoresistance in nickel ferrite thin films with bulk-like magnetic properties
Applied Physics Letters (115)
Schwienbacher,Daniel ; Pernpeintner,Matthias ; Liensberger,Lukas ; Edwards,Eric R. J. ; Nembach,Hans T. ; Shaw,Justin M. ; Weiler,Mathias ; Gross,Rudolf ; Huebl,Hans
Magnetoelasticity of Co25Fe75 thin films
Journal of Applied Physics (126)
Partanen, Matti; Goetz, Jan; Tan, Kuan Yen; Kohvakka, Kassius; Sevriuk, Vasilii; Lake, Russell E.; Kokkoniemi, Roope; Ikonen, Joni; Hazra, Dibyendu; Mäkinen, Akseli; Hyyppä, Eric; Grönberg, Leif; Vesterinen, Visa; Silveri, Matti; Möttönen, Mikko
Exceptional points in tunable superconducting resonators
Phys. Rev. B (100)
Edoardo Sterpetti; Johan Biscaras; Andreas Erb; Abhay Shukla
Crossover to strange metal phase: quantum criticality in one unit cell Bi2Sr2CaCu2O\textdollar\_$\lbrace$8$\mathplus$$\lbrace$\textbackslashrm x$\rbrace$$\rbrace$\textdollar
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (32)
A. H. Abdelhameed; G. Angloher; P. Bauer; A. Bento; E. Bertoldo; R. Breier; C. Bucci; L. Canonica; A. D'Addabbo; S. Di Lorenzo; A. Erb; F. v. Feilitzsch; N. Ferreiro Iachellini; S. Fichtinger; A. Fuss; P. Gorla; D. Hauff; M. Jes\ukovsk\'y; J. Jochum; J. Kaizer; A. Kinast; H. Kluck; H. Kraus; A. Langenkämper; M. Mancuso; V. Mokina; E. Mondragón; M. Olmi; T. Ortmann; C. Pagliarone; V. Palus\uová; L. Pattavina; F. Petricca; W. Potzel; P. Povinec; F. Pröbst; F. Reindl; J. Rothe; K. Schäffner; J. Schieck; V. Schipperges; D. Schmiedmayer; S. Schönert; C. Schwertner; M. Stahlberg; L. Stodolsky; C. Strandhagen; R. Strauss; C. Türko\uglu; I. Usherov; M. Willers; V. Zema; J. Zeman
Geant4-based electromagnetic background model for the CRESST dark matter experiment
The European Physical Journal C (79)
Wimmer, T.; Althammer, M.; Liensberger, L.; Vlietstra, N.; Geprägs, S.; Weiler, M.; Gross, R.; Huebl, H.
Spin Transport in a Magnetic Insulator with Zero Effective Damping
Phys. Rev. Lett. (123)
Liensberger, Lukas; Kamra, Akashdeep; Maier-Flaig, Hannes; Geprägs, Stephan; Erb, Andreas; Goennenwein, Sebastian T. B.; Gross, Rudolf; Belzig, Wolfgang; Huebl, Hans; Weiler, Mathias
Exchange-Enhanced Ultrastrong Magnon-Magnon Coupling in a Compensated Ferrimagnet
Phys. Rev. Lett. (123)
Flacke,Luis ; Liensberger,Lukas ; Althammer,Matthias ; Huebl,Hans ; Geprägs,Stephan ; Schultheiss,Katrin ; Buzdakov,Aleksandr ; Hula,Tobias ; Schultheiss,Helmut ; Edwards,Eric R. J. ; Nembach,Hans T. ; Shaw,Justin M. ; Gross,Rudolf ; Weiler,Mathias
High spin-wave propagation length consistent with low damping in a metallic ferromagnet
Applied Physics Letters (115)
L. Liensberger; L. Flacke; D. Rogerson; M. Althammer; R. Gross; M. Weiler
Spin-Wave Propagation in Metallic Co$_25$Fe$_75$ Films Determined by Microfocused Frequency-Resolved Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect
IEEE Magnetics Letters (10)