Logo der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Publications by the academy, its research projects and institutes

  • Delgado Rafael L., Steinbeißer S., Strickland M., Weber Johannes H.
  • QuantumFDTD - A computational framework for the relativistic Schrödinger equation
  • 2022
  • 04004
  • Rothkopf A., Brambilla N., Tolos L., Tranberg A., Kurkela A., Roehrich D., Andersen J.O., Tywoniuk K., Antonov D., Greensite J., Faber M., Schaefer T., Ghiglieri J., Goity J., Ketzer B., Constantinou M., Sazdjian H., Scimemi I., Stefanis N.G., Alford M., Blaschke D., Marton J., Schmitt A., Espriu D., Fodor Z., Pasechnik R., Rinaldi E., Vento V.