Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde

Unternehmer und Wissenschaftler
Forum Technologie (Beirat Mitglied)
seit 2013
weitere Informationen
- CV und Publikationsverzeichnis
- CV and Publications (en)
- Masterclass: The State of the Art in Electronics (18.11.2024)
- Recent and Emerging Trends in Low Phase-Noise Signal Soucres: High Frequency DROs (2023)
- Aufnahme als Fellow in die Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
- A look at a novel antenna design
- The perfect HF Receiver. How would it look like today? (May 2022)
- Next Generation Networks: SDR, 5G and IoT, Emerging Trends
- 17-30 GHz Reliable and Compact Analog Phase Shifter Using Lateral Micromachined SP7T Switches, and DMTL Arrays (2021)
- Compact and Highly Stable Frequency Synthesizers for Integrated RF Front-Ends (Aus: Microwave Journal, August 2021)
- A Microelectromechanical Switch with Metamaterial Contacts, Part III (Aus: Microwave Journal, July 2020)
- A Microelectromechanical Switch with Metamaterial Contacts, Part II (Aus: Microwave Journal, June 2020)
- A Microelectromechanical Switch with Metamaterial Contacts, Part I: Concepts and Technology (Aus: Microwave Journal, May 2020)
- Self-forced stabilization of inter-modal oscillation in multi-section semiconductor lasers at X-band (Aus: Optics Express, Vol. 27, No. 18/2 September 2019)
- Computer-Controlled K-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using SelfInjection-Locked Phase-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator: Part 2 (Aus: Microwave Journal, September 2019)
- Computer-Controlled K-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using Self-Injection Locked Phase-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator: Part 1 (Aus: Microwave Journal, August 2019)
- A Novel Oscillator Design with Metamaterial-Möbius Coupling To a Dielectric Resonator (2019)
- Tuning Electrically Short Antennas for Field Operation (Aus: Microwave Journal, 14. Mai 2019)
- Noise analysis, then and today (2018)
- Optoelectronic Oscillators: Recent and Emerging Trends (Aus: Microwave Journal, 11. Oktober 2018)
- Introduction to Modern Signal Generation. From Analog to Digital: Needs, Advantages, Disadvantages and "Solutions" (Vortrag an der Universität der Bundeswehr, 18. Juni 2018)
- "The joys of problem solving" - Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 28.10.2017 (PDF)
- "Der Reiz der Probleme" - Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 28.10.2017 (PDF)
- Cyber Security und Next Generation Radios Communication Networks (Vortrag am 6.10.2017)
- Vortrag am 4.10.2017 an der Universität der Bundeswehr München
- MTM: Casimir Effect and Gravity Wave Detection (Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2016)
- Inside Track with Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, Chairman, Synergy Microwave Corp. (Interview, 2016)
- Möbius Metamaterial Strips: Applications in Sensors, Frequency Source, and RF Energy Harvesting (Vortrag an der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015)
- Radiomonitoring Vortragsvideo
- Metamaterial & Moebius Loop
- Compact Antenna Designs for Future mmWave 5G Smart Phones (PDF)