@article{id_14866, title = "Robust formation of nanoscale magnetic skyrmions in easy-plane thin film multilayers with low damping", author = "Flacke, Luis and Ahrens, Valentin and Mendisch, Simon and Körber, Lukas and Böttcher, Tobias and Meidinger, Elisabeth and Yaqoob, Misbah and Müller, Manuel and Liensberger, Lukas and Kákay, Attila and Becherer, Markus and Pirro, Philipp and Althammer, Matthias and Geprägs, Stephan and Huebl, Hans and Gross, Rudolf and Weiler, Mathias", journal = "Physical Review B", volume = "104", year = "2021", pages = "L100417-L100417", url = "https://www.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L100417", }